TMJ flare-up, TMJ relief in Fort Wayne IN, Fort Wayne TMJ relief, TMJ Chiropractor in Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne IN Chiropractic, Fort Wayne IN Chiropractor

Top TMJ Flare-Up Triggers and How to Find Relief in Fort Wayne

TMJ flare-up, TMJ relief in Fort Wayne IN, Fort Wayne TMJ relief, TMJ Chiropractor in Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne IN Chiropractic, Fort Wayne IN Chiropractor

Do you often experience discomfort in your jaw while enjoying a meal at one of Fort Wayne’s favorite local restaurants, or find it difficult to open your mouth wide when chatting with friends at Promenade Park? If these situations sound familiar, you might be dealing with TMJ (temporomandibular joint) issues. Living with TMJ pain can be frustrating and significantly affect your quality of life. At Atlas Chiropractic in Fort Wayne, we understand how debilitating this condition can be and are here to help you find TMJ relief in Fort Wayne IN.


Key Takeaways: A Closer Look at TMJ Flare-ups and Best Options for Relief

  • TMJ Issues: TMJ problems can significantly affect your quality of life, causing pain and discomfort in your jaw.
  • Common Triggers: Stress, poor posture, dental issues, and bad habits like teeth grinding are common triggers for TMJ flare-ups.
  • Symptoms: Symptoms include jaw pain, difficulty chewing, clicking or popping sounds, jaw locking, earaches, and headaches.
  • Atlas Subluxation: Misalignment of the atlas vertebra can exacerbate TMJ issues by affecting the muscles and nerves connected to the jaw.
  • Relief Options: Home remedies like warm compresses and jaw exercises can help, but professional treatment, such as Fort Wayne IN Chiropractic care, is often necessary for lasting relief.


Understanding The Most Common TMJ Flare-Up Triggers in Fort Wayne

Have you ever noticed your jaw aching after a stressful day at work or felt discomfort after spending hours slumped in front of your computer? These everyday situations can be critical triggers for TMJ flare-ups. The TMJ, or temporomandibular joint, connects your jawbone to your skull and acts like a sliding hinge, essential for talking, chewing, and yawning. When this joint is under stress, it can lead to a range of uncomfortable symptoms.

Common triggers of TMJ flare-ups include:

  • Stress: High-stress levels often cause people to clench their jaws or grind their teeth, especially during sleep, putting additional strain on the TMJ.
  • Poor Posture: Sitting or standing with poor posture can misalign your spine and jaw, contributing to TMJ issues.
  • Dental Problems: Issues like misaligned teeth or an improper bite can force your jaw to work harder, aggravating the TMJ.
  • Bad Habits: Frequent gum chewing, nail-biting, or resting your chin on your hand can also lead to TMJ discomfort.

Understanding these triggers is crucial for managing your pain and finding effective TMJ relief in Fort Wayne IN.


Atlas Subluxation and How a Fort Wayne, IN Chiropractor Can Help

Atlas subluxation, a misalignment of the top vertebra in your spine (the atlas), is often an overlooked cause of TMJ disorders. This misalignment can disrupt the normal function of the temporomandibular joint, leading to pain and discomfort. Atlas subluxation can result from trauma, poor posture, or even stress. When the atlas is out of alignment, it can affect the muscles and nerves connected to your jaw, exacerbating TMJ symptoms.


Identifying Symptoms of TMJ Flare-Ups

TMJ disorders can present a variety of symptoms, making it crucial to recognize them early. You might notice pain and tenderness in your jaw, difficulty chewing, or even a clicking or popping sound when you move your jaw. Some people experience jaw locking, making it hard to open or close their mouth, while others suffer from earaches or persistent headaches. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, seeking professional help is important.


Relief Options for TMJ in Fort Wayne

Finding TMJ relief in Fort Wayne IN can be life-changing. You can try several home remedies and self-care tips, such as applying warm or cold compresses to the affected area, sticking to a soft diet, and performing jaw exercises to strengthen and relax the muscles. However, professional care often provides the most effective and long-lasting Fort Wayne TMJ relief.

Our Fort Wayne IN Chiropractic doctor, Dr. Emily Staples, specializes in Upper Cervical Care, which focuses on correcting atlas subluxation. Realigning the atlas can reduce the pressure on your jaw muscles and nerves, alleviating TMJ pain. Our personalized care plans ensure you receive the best possible care tailored to your needs.


Why Choose Dr. Emily Staples As Your Fort Wayne IN Chiropractic Doctor

Our Fort Wayne IN Chiropractic doctor brings a wealth of experience and expertise in managing TMJ disorders through gentle atlas adjustments. Her approach is both professional and compassionate, focusing on delivering relief and improving your overall well-being. Patients at Atlas Chiropractic often share their success stories, highlighting the welcoming and supportive environment Dr. Staples and her team create.


You Deserve Lasting TMJ Relief in Fort Wayne IN!

Don’t let TMJ pain hold you back from enjoying all Fort Wayne offers. Timely and proper treatment can significantly enhance your quality of life, allowing you to participate in local activities and events without discomfort. Imagine enjoying a night out at the Embassy Theatre, exploring the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo with your family, or simply relishing a peaceful stroll along the Rivergreenway Trail, all without the nagging pain of TMJ. 

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Emily Staples at Atlas Chiropractic and take the first step towards effective and natural TMJ relief in Fort Wayne IN.

TMJ flare-up, TMJ relief in Fort Wayne IN, Fort Wayne TMJ relief, TMJ Chiropractor in Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne IN Chiropractic, Fort Wayne IN Chiropractor

FAQs: Managing Jaw Pain Flare-ups and 

What does a TMJ flare feel like? 

A TMJ flare can feel like a sharp, aching pain in the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. You might experience difficulty chewing, a locking sensation in the jaw, headaches, earaches, or a popping or clicking sound when you move your jaw.

What causes TMJ flare-ups? 

Common triggers include stress, which can lead to jaw clenching or teeth grinding; poor posture, which can misalign your spine and jaw; dental issues like misaligned teeth; and habits such as chewing gum excessively or biting your nails. Atlas misalignment can also trigger or aggravate TMJ problems.

How to calm a TMJ flare-up? 

To calm a TMJ flare-up, try applying warm or cold compresses to the affected area, eating soft foods to minimize jaw movement, and performing gentle jaw exercises. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation can also help reduce stress and muscle tension.

How to fix TMJ popping? 

TMJ popping can often be addressed with specific jaw exercises, stress reduction techniques, and avoiding habits that strain the jaw. Atlas bone adjustments from a Fort Wayne IN Chiropractor can also help by restoring balance in the spine and reducing pressure on the jaw muscles and nerves.

What can make TMJ worse? 

TMJ can be exacerbated by activities like chewing gum, eating hard or chewy foods, clenching your jaw, poor posture, and untreated dental issues. Stress and anxiety can also worsen TMJ symptoms by increasing muscle tension.

How does atlas subluxation relate to TMJ pain? 

Atlas subluxation, a misalignment of the top vertebra in your spine, can disrupt the normal function of the TMJ by affecting the nerves and muscles connected to the jaw. This misalignment can lead to increased pain and discomfort.

How can I unlock Fort Wayne TMJ relief

Home remedies like warm compresses, a soft food diet, and jaw exercises can provide temporary Fort Wayne TMJ relief. Upper Cervical Care at Atlas Chiropractic might be a good option for long-lasting results. Dr. Emily Staples specializes in correcting atlas subluxation to alleviate TMJ pain effectively.

Why should I choose Atlas Chiropractic for my TMJ treatment? 

Dr. Emily Staples offers expert Upper Cervical Chiropractic care, focusing on realigning the atlas vertebra to reduce TMJ pain. Her compassionate approach and personalized care plans ensure you receive adjustments tailored to your specific situation.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Staples, call our Fort Wayne office at (260) 308-5226. You can also click the button below. consultation 300x53 1 If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at
Fort Wayne back pain relief, chiropractor for back pain in Fort Wayne, back pain chiropractor in Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne IN Chiropractor, Chiropractor Fort Wayne

Fort Wayne Back Pain Relief: Discover Your Best Option

Fort Wayne back pain relief, chiropractor for back pain in Fort Wayne, back pain chiropractor in Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne IN Chiropractor, Chiropractor Fort Wayne

Does the vibrant energy of the Three Rivers Festival feel dimmed by a persistent ache in your lower back? Do nagging stiffness and discomfort overshadow the simple joy of biking or walking along the Rivergreenway Trail? Are the mornings filled with dread as you brace yourself for another day of limited mobility and pain?

You’re not alone in this struggle. Back pain casts a shadow over the lives of countless Fort Wayne residents, robbing them of the simple pleasures and active lifestyles they deserve. But what if we told you there’s a path to liberation from this daily burden? A path that leads to temporary Fort Wayne back pain relief and lasting wellness, addressing the root cause of your back pain?

Dr. Emily Staples, our chiropractor for back pain in Fort Wayne, offers a beacon of hope through gentle atlas bone adjustments. This specialized chiropractic approach targets the often-overlooked source of your discomfort. It’s a solution uniquely tailored to patients with a history of neck and head injuries.


Key Takeaways: How A Back Pain Chiropractor In Fort Wayne

  • The Hidden Link: Your lower back pain could be rooted in a misalignment of the upper cervical spine (neck).
  • Domino Effect: Leaving an atlas misalignment untreated can trigger a cascade of health issues, including chronic pain, neurological problems, and more.
  • NUCCA Precision: NUCCA chiropractic offers a gentle, precise approach to correct upper cervical misalignments and restore balance to your body.


The Upper Cervical Spine: A Hidden Key to Fort Wayne Back Pain Relief

While it might seem counterintuitive, the root cause of your lower back pain could be located much higher up – in your neck. The upper cervical spine, consisting of the atlas (C1) and axis (C2) vertebrae, is crucial in maintaining your entire body’s overall balance and alignment.

When these top two vertebrae are misaligned, even slightly, it can set off a chain reaction throughout your musculoskeletal system. Your body tries to compensate for this imbalance, leading to changes in posture, muscle tension, and spinal alignment that can manifest as pain in your lower back.

Imagine your body as a series of interconnected links. If one link is out of place, it affects the entire chain. In this case, a misalignment in your upper cervical spine can create a ripple effect that travels all the way down to your lower back.

Thankfully, this is where our back pain chiropractor in Fort Wayne can help you. With her training in NUCCA chiropractic, she can check for upper neck misalignments and apply adjustments that will help restore balance in the spine and ease the pressure on your muscles, joints and other parts of the body affected by the postural problem.


The Domino Effect of an Unresolved Atlas Misalignment

When an atlas misalignment is left uncorrected, it doesn’t simply stay confined to the neck. The resulting imbalance triggers a chain reaction that can spread throughout your body, leading to complications.

Your body tries to compensate for the misalignment, causing other vertebrae to shift and muscles to tighten to keep the head upright. This ongoing compensation pattern can have far-reaching consequences. Over time, the stress and strain placed on your spine and surrounding tissues can lead to:

  • Chronic Pain: Persistent pain can radiate from your neck and shoulders, down your back, and even into your limbs.
  • Neurological Issues: The misalignment can affect the brainstem and spinal cord, leading to headaches, migraines, vertigo, tinnitus, and even vision problems.
  • Restricted Movement: Muscle tightness and joint stiffness can limit your range of motion, making everyday activities difficult and painful.
  • Mood Disorders: The nervous system plays a crucial role in regulating mood. When a misalignment disrupts it, it can contribute to anxiety, depression, and other emotional imbalances.

The good news is that it’s not too late to break the cycle. Dr. Emily Staples, our NUCCA chiropractor in Fort Wayne, can assess your upper cervical spine for misalignments and provide precise adjustments to restore balance. By addressing the root cause, we can help your body heal and prevent further damage.


NUCCA Chiropractic: A Precise and Gentle Approach to Healing

NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association) is a specialized form of chiropractic care focusing on the critical relationship between the upper cervical spine and the nervous system. NUCCA takes a precise and gentle approach to correct misalignments in the atlas and axis vertebrae. Here’s how this technique works:

Precise Analysis

Our Fort Wayne IN Chiropractor, Dr. Staples, begins with a comprehensive examination that includes digital X-rays and a detailed analysis of your posture and spinal alignment. This allows her to pinpoint the exact nature and degree of your atlas misalignment.

Tailored Adjustments

Dr. Staples develops a personalized adjustment plan based on your unique anatomy and the specific findings of the analysis. NUCCA adjustments are incredibly gentle, utilizing a light touch and precise angles to correct the misalignment without forceful twisting or cracking.

Neurological Focus

NUCCA emphasizes the importance of the nervous system in overall health and well-being. NUCCA aims to optimize nerve function, reduce interference, and promote the body’s natural healing abilities by restoring proper alignment to the upper cervical spine.

Long-Lasting Results

Because NUCCA adjustments are so precise, they tend to hold. This means fewer visits to the chiropractor and more time enjoying Fort Wayne back pain relief.

Whole-Body Wellness

While NUCCA focuses on the upper cervical spine, its benefits extend throughout the body. Patients often report improvements in various health issues, including reduced pain, increased mobility, better sleep, improved mood, and enhanced overall well-being.


Atlas Chiropractic: Your Partner in Finding Fort Wayne Back Pain Relief

Dr. Emily Staples at Atlas Chiropractic is committed to helping the residents of Fort Wayne overcome low back pain and achieve optimal wellness. We also strive to offer the following to each patient who seeks our help: 

  • Personalized Care: At our practice, we understand that each patient is unique, so we tailor care plans to your specific needs and goals.
  • State-of-the-art technology: We utilize advanced diagnostic tools to analyze your spinal alignment and track your progress precisely.
  • Gentle and Effective Adjustments: Our NUCCA adjustments are safe, gentle, and practical, designed to restore balance to your nervous system.
  • Warm and Welcoming Environment: Our clinic provides a comfortable and supportive atmosphere where you can feel at ease and empowered to take control of your health.

If you’re ready to break free from the chains of back pain and reclaim your life, Atlas Chiropractic is here to guide you. Please schedule a consultation today and discover how our Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Fort Wayne, can be your partner in unlocking a pain-free future. Remember, you deserve lasting Fort Wayne back pain relief.

Fort Wayne back pain relief, chiropractor for back pain in Fort Wayne, back pain chiropractor in Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne IN Chiropractor, Chiropractor Fort Wayne

FAQs: Unraveling the Neck and Low Back Pain Connection

Can a misalignment in my neck cause pain in my lower back?

Absolutely! The upper cervical spine is crucial in maintaining your body’s overall balance and alignment. Even a slight change in your atlas bone can trigger problems that affect your posture and muscle function, leading to pain and discomfort in seemingly unrelated areas, including your lower back.

How can a chiropractor for back pain in Fort Wayne help?

Dr. Emily Staples focuses on misalignments in the atlas and axis vertebrae. She can gently restore proper alignment to alleviate the stress and strain on your spine, muscles, and joints, effectively reducing or eliminating lower back pain.

I’ve tried other treatments for my back pain with little success. Could upper cervical chiropractic care be the answer?

Absolutely! We encourage you to consult our chiropractor for back pain in Fort Wayne to check if you have an atlas bone subluxation. 

How long does it take to see results from NUCCA adjustments?

Many patients experience significant relief after just a few NUCCA adjustments. However, the healing process varies for each individual, and some may require ongoing care to maintain optimal alignment and prevent future pain.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Staples, call our Fort Wayne office at (260) 308-5226. You can also click the button below. consultation 300x53 1 If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at
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How to Deal with Neck Pain After a Car Accident

neck pain after a car accident, Fort Wayne Neck Pain Relief, Chiropractor for Neck Pain in Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne IN Chiropractic, Fort Wayne IN Chiropractor

Did a fender bender in Fort Wayne leave you with a surprise gift – neck pain that showed up days or even weeks later? If you’re shaking your head in frustrated agreement, you’re not alone. Delayed neck pain after a car accident is common, and it often appears when you least expect it. One minute, you’re cruising down Coliseum Blvd, windows down, radio blasting; the next, you’re grappling with stiffness and soreness that won’t quit.

This delayed reaction can be baffling, leaving you wondering, “Why now?” The truth is, your body’s initial adrenaline rush often masks the pain, and it’s not until inflammation sets in that the full extent of the damage reveals itself. This could mean anything from simple muscle strain to whiplash or even more serious injuries. So, while it’s natural to hope the pain will disappear, it’s crucial to listen to your body and recognize when it’s time to seek help.

That’s where  Atlas Chiropractic comes in. If you’re dealing with post-accident neck pain in Fort Wayne, Dr. Emily Staples is here to guide you through the maze of delayed symptoms, red flags, and, most importantly, the path to Fort Wayne neck pain relief.


Key Takeaways: How to Cope with Neck Pain After a Car Accident

  • Delayed Neck Pain is Common After Car Accidents: Don’t be surprised if your neck starts hurting days or weeks after a seemingly minor collision.
  • Adrenaline and Inflammation Can Mask Initial Pain: Your body’s natural responses can delay the onset of discomfort.
  • Watch for Red Flags: Seek immediate medical attention if you experience severe pain, numbness, tingling, headaches, dizziness, or difficulty swallowing or speaking.
  • Fort Wayne Chiropractor, Dr. Emily Offers Relief: Fort Wayne IN Chiropractic Care is a specialized approach that focuses on realigning the top vertebrae in your neck.


The Crash Aftermath: Why Neck Pain Can Linger

So, what’s the deal with this delayed neck pain? Why does your body play this waiting game? Well, it’s not about being sneaky – it’s about survival. Your body goes into emergency mode when you’re in a car accident, even a minor one. Adrenaline floods your system, temporarily masking pain so you can focus on getting to safety. It’s like your body’s saying, “We’ll deal with the aches and pains later; right now, let’s just make sure you’re okay.

But once the adrenaline wears off, your body starts to assess the damage. Inflammation kicks in, a natural part of the healing process, but it also brings stiffness, soreness, and that dreaded neck pain. If you experience whiplash (a sudden jerking of the neck), the pain might be even more intense and take longer to emerge.

Here’s the thing: not everyone experiences delayed neck pain after a car accident. Some people feel it immediately, while others might not feel anything for days or weeks. It all depends on the severity of the impact, the type of injuries sustained, and your body’s response.

The important thing to remember is that delayed neck pain is a common phenomenon, and it doesn’t always mean something catastrophic is going on. However, it’s crucial to pay attention to the type of pain you’re experiencing, how long it lasts, and whether any other concerning symptoms accompany it.


Red Flags: When to Worry About Your Neck Pain

While some neck pain after a car accident is to be expected, it’s essential to know when your body is trying to tell you something more serious is going on. Here are some red flags that warrant immediate medical attention:

  • Intense Pain: If your neck pain is severe, sharp, or feels like it’s getting worse, don’t tough it out.
  • Numbness or Tingling: Any numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arms, hands, or fingers could indicate nerve damage.
  • Headaches or Dizziness: Persistent headaches, dizziness, or blurred vision can be signs of a concussion or other head injury.
  • Difficulty Swallowing or Speaking: These could be signs of a more severe neck injury.
  • Pain That Radiates Down Your Arms or Legs: This could indicate a pinched nerve or other spinal injury.

If you experience any of these symptoms, don’t hesitate to seek medical help immediately. The sooner you get diagnosed and treated, the better your chances of a full recovery. Remember, Fort Wayne has many medical resources available, so you’re not alone in this.

Even if your symptoms don’t seem severe, it’s wise to consult a healthcare professional if your neck pain persists or doesn’t improve with rest and over-the-counter pain relievers. They can help determine the cause of your pain and recommend the best course of treatment.

Now, let’s explore a potential solution that many Fort Wayne residents have found effective in managing neck pain after a car accident: Upper Cervical Chiropractic.

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Fort Wayne IN Chiropractic Care: Your Partner in Recovery

If you’re ready to say goodbye to post-accident neck pain, a Chiropractor for Neck Pain in Fort Wayne could be your ally in healing. But not just any chiropractor – we’re talking about those who specialize in Upper Cervical Care like Dr. Emily Staples. Dr. Staples understands the intricate relationship between your neck, your nervous system, and your overall well-being.

Here’s how she can help:

  • Assessment and Diagnosis:  Our Fort Wayne IN Chiropractor will start with a comprehensive evaluation. This might include a physical exam, a medical history review, and potentially some imaging tests. The goal is to pinpoint the exact cause of your neck pain and rule out any severe underlying conditions.
  • Personalized Care Plan: Once the cause of your pain is identified, Dr. Staples will create a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. 
  • Root Cause Focus: Unlike traditional pain management approaches that only mask the symptoms, Upper Cervical Chiropractic aims to address the root cause of your pain. 
  • Education and Empowerment: Dr. Staples won’t just fix you up and send you on your way. She will also educate you about your condition, teach you exercises and stretches to do at home, and empower you to take an active role in your recovery.


Reclaiming Your Life After the Wreck: Don’t Let Neck Pain Hold You Back

You deserve to live a life free from the pain and limitations that neck pain after a car accident can bring. Don’t let it hold you back from enjoying the things you love in Fort Wayne. Whether it’s cheering on the TinCaps at Parkview Field, exploring the Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory, or simply enjoying a walk along the Rivergreenway, you deserve to experience it all without the burden of neck pain.

If you’re ready to reclaim your life, take the first step today. Reach out to our Fort Wayne IN chiropractor. She can help you understand the root cause of your pain, develop a personalized care plan, and guide you on the path to recovery.

Don’t wait for the pain to worsen or become chronic. Take control of your health and well-being now. Remember, your body is resilient, and with the right care, you can bounce back from your car accident stronger than ever.

neck pain after a car accident, Fort Wayne Neck Pain Relief, Chiropractor for Neck Pain in Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne IN Chiropractic, Fort Wayne IN Chiropractor

FAQs: Your Burning Questions About Neck Pain and Chiropractic Care

We know you probably have a lot of questions swirling around in your head, so let’s tackle some of the most common ones:

How long does neck pain typically last after a car accident?

It depends on the severity of your injuries and how quickly you seek professional help. For some, the pain might subside within a few days or weeks. For others, it can linger for months or even become chronic. 

Is chiropractic care safe after a car accident?

Yes, chiropractic adjustments are generally safe and effective. Our Upper Cervical Chiropractor, Dr. Staples, will conduct a thorough evaluation to ensure you’re a good candidate for treatment.

What can I expect during my first chiropractic visit?

Your first visit will typically involve a detailed consultation and examination. Dr. Staples will ask you about your accident, your symptoms, and your medical history. They may also perform some tests to assess your range of motion and identify misalignments in your spine. She’ll develop a personalized care plan for you based on the findings.

How often should I get adjusted by my Chiropractor for Neck Pain in Fort Wayne?

Again, this depends on the severity of your injuries and how your body responds to treatment. Some people experience significant Fort Wayne neck pain relief after just a few sessions, while others may require ongoing care. Dr. Staples will work with you to determine the most appropriate treatment frequency and duration.

Ready to ditch that nagging neck pain and get back to enjoying life in Fort Wayne? Don’t let a car accident dictate your comfort. Contact Atlas Chiropractic today and schedule your consultation with Dr. Staples.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Staples, call our Fort Wayne office at (260) 308-5226. You can also click the button below. consultation 300x53 1 If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at
fibromyalgia relief in Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne chiropractor, Fort Wayne IN chiropractor

Unraveling the Mystery of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

fibromyalgia relief in Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne chiropractor, Fort Wayne IN chiropractor

Imagine life as a constant battle. You wake up each morning feeling like you’ve barely slept, your body screaming in protest with every movement. Simple tasks, like taking a shower or making breakfast, require the same effort as running a marathon. Even your mind feels clouded, making it difficult to concentrate, remember things, or find joy in activities you once loved.

This is the harsh reality for many Fort Wayne residents living with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). These conditions can leave you feeling isolated, misunderstood, and desperate for relief. You may have tried countless medications, therapies, and lifestyle changes with only minimal or temporary improvement. It’s enough to make you doubt whether a better life is even possible.

Understanding your pain and your strong desire to find fibromyalgia relief in Fort Wayne, we thought of tackling the key things you must know about CFS and fibromyalgia. This way you can better understand your condition and determine the best ways for you to cope and lead a normal life.


Fort Wayne chiropractor Explains The Hidden Culprit: Could Your Body Be Working Against Itself?

Did you know that many patients who seek our Fort Wayne chiropractor for a consultation complain about CFS or fibromyalgia symptoms? Many of them struggle every day, especially when their symptoms flare up.  These debilitating conditions may have a surprising root cause.

While the causes of fibromyalgia and CFS are still debated, a crucial factor is often overlooked: past head or neck injuries. Even a seemingly minor accident years ago could have led to an atlas subluxation – a misalignment of the top vertebra in your neck. This misalignment creates a ripple effect of problems, putting immense strain on your delicate nervous system.

Think of your nervous system as your body’s master control center. When the atlas is out of place, it’s like a glitch in the system, distorting the messages traveling between your brain and the rest of your body. This disruption can lead to:

Increased sensitivity to pain, making even light touch feel unbearable.

  • Sleep disturbances that leave you exhausted, no matter how much rest you try to get.
  • Brain fog, making it hard to focus, remember, and enjoy mental activities.
  • A feeling of your body constantly fighting against you, with energy levels depleted and overall well-being compromised.


Consulting with a Fort Wayne IN chiropractor Offers Hope to Patients with CFS and Fibromyalgia

Upper cervical chiropractors, like Dr. Emily Staples at Atlas Chiropractic, offer a unique perspective on managing fibromyalgia and CFS. As a Fort Wayne IN chiropractor, Dr. Staples focus on the root of the problem rather than just chasing symptoms. By using precise and gentle adjustments, she works to restore the proper alignment of your atlas, removing the pressure on your nervous system and giving your body the chance to start healing from within.

fibromyalgia relief in Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne chiropractor, Fort Wayne IN chiropractor

Envision a Brighter Future with Atlas Chiropractic of Fort Wayne

Imagine waking up with less pain and stiffness. Feeling a wave of genuine refreshment after a good night’s sleep. Experiencing improved mental clarity and the ability to engage fully in life again. While not a guaranteed “solution”, Upper Cervical Care offers the potential for significant improvements in your quality of life.

Your Journey to Lasting Fibromyalgia Relief in Fort Wayne Starts Here

If you’re tired of living in the shadow of fibromyalgia or CFS, don’t give up. Our compassionate team at Atlas Chiropractic understands your struggle and wants to help. Dr. Emily Staples offers personalized consultations and gentle Upper Cervical Care to guide your body back to a state of balance. 

Take the first step towards reclaiming your health and enjoying lasting fibromyalgia relief in Fort Wayne – schedule an appointment today. Let this be the beginning of your journey towards a life defined by greater ease, comfort, and hope.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Staples, call our Fort Wayne office at (260) 308-5226. You can also click the button below. consultation 300x53 1 If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at