Why Upper Cervical Chiropractors in Fort Wayne Are Awesome

Picture of an arrow pointing to the atlas bone, C1, in the spine, which is adjusted by an upper cervical chiropractor.In the Chiropractic universe, there are many different techniques that Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) use to adjust subluxations (misaligned vertebrae) in patients. Some of the techniques, such as Thompson or Diversified, are known as full spine techniques where the chiropractor adjusts any of the vertebrae, while others may focus on just specific areas. Upper Cervical chiropractors focus on just the upper part of the spine where the spinal column connects to the skull and the brain. However, even within the upper cervical world there are multiple different approaches, or techniques, that a doctor might practice.

Upper Cervical Chiropractors

Some of the more common techniques include Atlas Orthogonal (AO), Advanced Orthogonal, Blair, EPIC, Knee Chest, NUCCA, and Orthospinology. Here at Atlas Chiropractic of Fort Wayne, we exclusively practice the NUCCA techique. As of the time of this writing, we are the only upper cervical chiropractor in all of Fort Wayne and Allen County and the surrounding counties. So if you have a friend that has told you about the benefits of NUCCA, Atlas Orthogonal, Blair, Orthospinology, or some other upper cervical technique and are looking for an upper cervical chiropractor in Fort Wayne, we'd love to talk to you about the benefits of NUCCA upper cervical specific chiropractic care!

NUCCA upper cervical specific chiropractic has demonstrated amazing results where people with migraine, vertigo, occipital neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, and many other diseases have found relief and a reduction of their symptoms. Don't miss out on another soccer game or baseball game or cheerleading practice for your kids or grandkids when there are solutions out there that can help without the costs and side effects of surgery!